I Believe In . . .


I had to laugh at this pic I saw on FaceBook, mostly because it’s pretty much how I feel. Probably doesn’t make me too popular with some people. I have always been told I tend to have a very unique way of looking at things, and at life. Quite frankly, I am happy about and proud of that fact. I am sure my dad, a raging Republican would cringe. Though he knows these things about me, I am quite certain he doesn’t understand me.

My significant other always tells me that when God made me, he didn’t throw away the mold, he locked it up to ensure he never used this combination of traits again . . . for whatever reason. I am told this is a compliment of the highest order. I often laugh when this is said, as I am not so sure.

I think I have mentioned, I do not have a political party line per say. I guess I am what some call an Independent. I just consider myself a person with a modicum of common sense, integrity, intelligence and compassion. I do not want others involved in my business without being invited, nor do I want to be involved in anyone else’s. For the most part, unless someone is being abused, I do not care what goes on behind other people’s closed doors, including their bedroom – as long as it doesn’t spill out of their doors. Nor is it anybody’s business what goes on behind mine.

I do not have a problem with gay people. I know many. I think if a person can find someone to share their life with and they love each other and are not hurting anyone else, then why is that even anyone else’s business. I’d be willing to bet you all know, and love or respect or both, someone who is gay – whether you are aware of it or not.

I believe if one wants to own guns and is responsible with them that is their personal business. I do not have a problem with that or background checks, only because I have had them done on me to get a job, so why not to buy a weapon with the capability of killing someone from a distance. If you asked me if I have a problem with the amount of information the government collects about us – I would tell you I most certainly do. But, there’s nothing I can do about that, per say, other than to go off the grid, which I must admit has been a tempting thought at times, if I had the resources.

Having been around the block a time or two, I am aware of what marijuana, alcohol, and other illegal and prescription drugs do to people, and often times their loved ones. Personally, I think cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription drugs are incredibly more harmful to people’s bodies than marijuana. But let’s be honest, the liquor and pharmaceutical companies are scared to death about their market shares and profit margins now that people’s attitudes about marijuana are beginning to change and the public opinion is influencing legalization laws – be it medical or recreational.

Having said that, we also have to remember that often what we do affects others. No one is an island, regardless of what one may think. The government shouldn’t have to point these things out to us, nor police society in that manner. Unfortunately, though I am glad we do not all think the same, there are some who have no common sense, intelligence, integrity or compassion. And compromise – many act like they never learned what that word means and it certainly does not apply to them.

So, if I have pissed you off, I certainly didn’t mean to. I just have my own ideas and opinions about things. I am sure you do too, and I’m the type of person, I would love to hear your ideas and opinions. I call it learning . . .

Just something I was thinking about it . . .

Image courtesy of:  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152007476084915&set=a.375215934914.157525.299509864914&type=1 

4 thoughts on “I Believe In . . .

  1. Ha! Joint in one hand, pistol in the other! 😀

    John Oliver was pointing out on his new HBO show that after Michael Sam was drafted as the first openly gay NFL player, all ESPN could talk about was…. his football stats. Most young people today don’t understand what the fuss about gay is, so we may be turning a corner on at least one topic.

    Colorado is raking in millions in taxes from marijuana sales. As other states catch on to the windfall, further legalization is inevitable. (I’ve always wondered if legalization was tough because commercial interests didn’t think there was money to be made from something that people could grow on their own. Generally speaking, when there’s money to be made, Big Business finds a way.)

    Guns are weird. For a country with so many so strongly opposed to them, they sure are common in our entertainment. Given the attitudes, I have no idea how to unpolarize that one! (Although taking someone out for their first experience firing a gun often has a surprising conversion rate! Hey!! This is really fun!! 🙂 )


    1. Wyrd Smythe – “Joint in one hand, pistol in the other! ” I am laughing so hard!! Absolutely 😉 Agree with your sentiments. And yes, shooting a gun can be quite exhilarating (as long as your not having to shoot a real person)!! Thanks so much for reading & commenting!!


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