SMH – Election 2016 – Debate #1


WOW – as expected, that was entertaining and frightening all at the same time! Just finished watching the first U.S. Presidential Debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I wasn’t surprised when Trump began to unspool pretty quickly in. Clinton was able to bring out his “best side” with little provocation. He was rude, childish, vague, defensive, argumentative, and came off about as genuine as a slimy used car salesman. I don’t think he answered one question with a clear thoughtful response, instead meandering in various other directions. Presumptive expectations were met.

I followed Twitter during the debate this time – it fascinates me that so many people see and hear the same things, but interpret them so differently . . .

Personally I thought Hillary kicked the “Don’s” ass, for the most part.

For all the people that think Trump would be a great president because he is a great businessman, consider this:

  • He stated during tonight’s debate that paying little or no taxes (when asked about the past) shows he’s smart – yes and he’s a cheat and doesn’t believe he should pay his fair share. I paid 33.4% in taxes last year for the small amount of 401K money we withdrew to keep our bills paid. [This did include a penalty for early withdrawal.] What percentage of your income did you pay?
  • Trump has filed bankruptcy six times, yet always walked away personally financially sound, never changing his lifestyle. These bankruptcies, however, destroyed many small businesses that worked for him in good faith. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. YES, I could file bankruptcy, and probably should have over two years ago, but these are my bills and I will pay them as long as I have funds to do so, regardless if it’s allowed or not. That’s how I was raised!
  • He doesn’t own the majority of the buildings that his name is on – he is paid for the use of his name. (Okay, I have to admit, that is great branding on his part.)
  • He has used money from his Trump Foundation (mostly funded by donors) to pay personal and business debts.
  • When asked tonight about being investigated for his alleged racial violations of the Fair Housing Act, he stated he settled those lawsuits admitting no guilt or fault – typically when lawsuits are settled out of court, no one admits guilt or fault, though often the payee was guilty or at fault, which is why they are paying out, often to hush people up.
  • His current global business dealings would be a definite conflict of interest, regardless of who he says is running HIS companies.

He’s definitely good at keeping his head above water – but a smart and trusted business man – I don’t think so. Conniving and slick, I have no doubt, as he’s admitted to having conducted business this way. And he may not be a politician, but he’s probably the richest candidate (if you go by appearances) that’s ever run for president. Why don’t people see that he’s one of the worst of the 1%ers?

I will say that even if I liked him, and I don’t, I would never vote for someone who refuses to release their tax returns . . . that one action tells me he has much to hide, and/or that many of his lies will be revealed.

Looking forward to the next debate – I just hope those that need to be watching are.

Were you watching tonight? What did you think?

Just something I was thinking about . . .

Yeah, I know, it’s been a while since I have blogged in any way, shape or form – hope you all have been doing well & I plan to catch up with you soon ❤

2 thoughts on “SMH – Election 2016 – Debate #1

    1. Thanks Paul! You have been on my mind quite a bit lately – wondering how you are doing, if you’ve moved, and missing your stories ❤ I will catch up with you soon!! Might try & read a couple tonight after dinner!


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