Sadie’s World Flooded & She Lost It All …

Well my blog buds, it’s been about ten of the longest months of my entire life. We were flooded during Hurricane Harvey, losing both cars and 90% of our possessions. Our house, after taking on over 20″ of rain mixed with disgusting sewage and toxic chemicals – and then stewing in it for five days, before it drained off –  had to be completely gutted four feet up from the foundation, removing everything structural.

After we were rescued by boat, it was  five days before we could get back in the neighborhood. After the flood, what was left of our lives (my 56 years and my husband’s 58 years and our 39 years together) fit in less than a 10 x 10 storage shed. It’s been pretty challenging lately, and I wish I would’ve been writing about it all as we went through it, I just didn’t have the strength. This has probably been the most challenging and overwhelming thing I’ve ever had to deal with.

We are finally back in the house, after living in our kids’ travel trailer for almost five months in our driveway, and our house is actually starting to look like a home again. We have worked hard, especially my husband, as he has been doing most of the work himself. He just finished tiling the kitchen, and the majority of work left consists of tiling one last bathroom (walls and floor), various trim pieces and other miscellaneous stuff, but we are getting close.

Anyway, Sadie is alive and mostly well. I have so missed reading all of your posts!!! More than you’ll ever know!!! I just wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten you, and I’ve been down, but I’m not out 😘

Hope to catch up with you all soon. And yes, I have been keeping up with President Trump’s escapades… and have had plenty to say about them, and so many other things, as well as this whole flood recovery. I’ve just had too much more important stuff going on in my life to be able to focus on writing. Maybe soon . . .

Until then, I hope this finds all of you doing well!

Just something I was thinking about . . . my blog buds!! ❤

6 thoughts on “Sadie’s World Flooded & She Lost It All …

  1. Wow! I know it was bad over there and I know what all you guys had to deal with. But seeing all the pictures certainly reminds me how real and beyond uncomfortable it was for you. My heart and soul has always gone out to you and glad you recovering and dearly hope it will not happen again while you are living in that neighborhood. Love ya….and love the new renovations that I hope you guys can enjoy for a long time.

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