Tag Archives: notable occasions

Me & WP – One Year Now!


Hi Blog Buds! I have been missing you šŸ™‚

Iā€™ve been trying to catch up here and there the last few weeks ā€“ which might I add have absolutely flown by!! Finally getting over the crud that was going around, and trying to get it together to end this semi-crappy year and move on to a new year, and hopefully some wonderful new adventures and opportunities. I say semi-crappy because in the scheme of things, it couldā€™ve been much worse.

My philosophy in life, generally, is if by the end of the day no one has died, no one is terminally ill and no one is scarred for life, itā€™s been a damn good day ā€“ or at least it wasnā€™t as bad as it may have seemed.

So, though I have spent the last year ā€œjob freeā€ against my will, and we have really pillaged our ā€œretirementā€ savings, which we will pay dearly for ā€“ all in all, it could have been a worse year.

Last month, I wroteĀ ~29,000 words ofĀ theĀ novel that has been inside me for years. NO, I did not ā€œwinā€ NaNoWriMo, but I still consider it a success for me. I am very happy with how some of it is going, and stuck in a few places, as well. Iā€™m working it out . . . and I do plan on finishing it. (Here’s a few excerpts, if you like a little romance and contemporary fiction.)

I have just reached my one year anniversary on WordPress.Ā This is where I started blogging. I’m just tickled that I have found not only an audience for my musings (72 blogs thus far), but another family —Ā of writersĀ all motivating, inspiring, and encouraging each other. So many of you I miss when I have been away from my blog for any length of time, and I try to find the time to catch up with you when time allows.

Anyway ā€“ I wanted to thank you all for making me feel special, for allowing me into your life by spending your precious time with me, and for sharing with and teaching me, as well. I am truly honored!!

Hugs to you all ā¤

Just something I was thinking about . . .